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2023 ALBUM 


I am pleased to unveil a series of music videos meticulously crafted for Dr Trousers' recent album, "INVISIBILIUM," available on Owlripper Recordings in Orlová, Czechia. 

This musical odyssey navigates through expansive, tense, and inventive soundscapes, occasionally delving into shadows, and consistently flowing with an otherworldly essence.

The collection comprises six videos, each corresponding to a track on the album. Notably, each track is named after the Five Rivers of the Greek Underworld, presided over by Hades. Envision a realm of the deceased, complete with somber meadows, fruit-bearing trees, and the mystique of five rivers — Styx, Lethe, Archeron, Phlegethon, and Cocytus.Drawing inspiration from the unique characteristics of these rivers, I crafted visuals for each video.


TRACK 1 - Ōceanus

Herein lies an intriguing addition — the sixth river, Ōceanus.
Symbolizing the eternal flow of time, it circumvents the earth disc, intertwining the realms of the living and the deceased. This cosmic concept manifests as a perpetual textural black hole, employing the mesmerizing video feedback technique.
Embark on a journey through the enigmatic INVISIBILIUM, where every track unveils a new facet of mystery and allure.

TRACK 2 - Lēthē

Step into the mystic realm of Lethe, the river of forgetfulness and unmindfulness, as we journey through the profound landscapes inspired by its ancient Greek origins. 
Named after the Greek word for "oblivion" or "forgetfulness," Lethe's waters induce a complete erasure of memory. In the realm of the deceased, shades were compelled to drink from Lethe to obliterate all recollections of their earthly existence.
According to Plato, excessive consumption led to forgetfulness of all things, emphasizing the potent nature of Lethe's influence. Flowing around a cave where Hypnos, the god of sleep, resided, the river emitted a characteristic murmuring sound that induced drowsiness.
Picture Lethe winding through the Fields of Asphodel—endless meadows where ordinary souls, neither virtuous nor wicked, aimlessly wander, their identities lost in the vast fields. 
In this visual interpretation, darkness prevails, accompanied by subtle noise and minimal light. The landscape features black grass, stunted poplar trees, and fallen stalagmites, setting the stage for a surreal journey through the liminal space of Lethe. 
As millions of lost souls aimlessly gather for a concert that never begins, the atmosphere becomes a captivating embodiment of forgotten memories and the deep currents of Lethe's influence.


Embark on an ethereal journey into the haunting depths of Cocytus, the River of Wailing, as the sonic landscape of Invisibilium takes a progressively darker and more eerie turn. In this analog dreamscape, hidden black streams weave through the abyss, mirroring the album's descent into deeper realms.
Cocytus is distinctively described as a frozen lake or swamp rather than a conventional river, originating from the same infernal source as its counterparts. The darkness intensifies, creating cold wavelets that ripple through the dreamscapes, embodying the chilling essence of Cocytus.
For the souls refused passage by Charon, the boatman of the Underworld, due to their inability to pay the fee with gold or coins, the riverbank of Cocytus becomes their eternal wandering grounds. 
Within this visual interpretation, the analog dreamscapes become a haunting reflection of the forsaken souls trapped along the icy shores of Cocytus, where cries and lamentations echo through the frozen waters.


Embark on an otherworldly journey to the banks of Acheron, the River of Pain and gateway to the Underworld, as Invisibilium unfolds its dark tapestry. 
Acheron, both a physical and metaphysical boundary, stood as an impassable barrier between the mortal realm and the mysteries of the Underworld.In the mythic expanse of Acheron, Charon, the enigmatic ferryman, navigated the souls across its somber waters on a skiff. 
Payment, symbolized by coins placed in the eyes or mouth during funeral rites, determined passage. Those unable to afford the journey were consigned to wander the desolate shores of Acheron, potentially manifesting as ghosts in the mortal world.The spectral essence of Acheron, located in the Epirus region of northwest Greece, transcends time. 
Even today, walking its ancient banks evokes a profound sense of awe, standing at the precipice between life and death. Though I've not physically trodden these hallowed grounds, I've dreamt of them through my analog lens. Have you ventured into the haunting embrace of Acheron's realm?


Immerse yourself in the enigmatic currents of Styx, a river of divine oaths and endless textures, as the Invisibilium journey delves into its cold, shuddering waters. 
According to ancient beliefs, the river's potent waters were deemed poisonous and capable of dissolving any vessel, save one crafted from the hoof of a horse.
Styx, later identified with the stream known as Mavronéri ("Black Water"), holds a mystical aura that transcends time. Dipping one's body into these shadowy depths was said to bestow the gift of immortality. 
A renowned example is the demigod Achilles, whose mother, Thetis, submerged him into the river, holding him by the heel. This act rendered him invulnerable, save for his Achilles' heel—a vulnerability later exploited by Apollo. 
The echoes of Styx resonate through history, weaving into the fabric of myth and reality.


Embark on a chromatic journey through the fiery depths of the River Phlegethon, where hues of 🔴 RED 🔴 collide with the haunting melodies of Invisibilium. 
As I delved into the mysteries of this river, a vivid tapestry of black and white unfolded, revealing a nuanced interplay of fiery darkness and luminous light. May you immerse yourself in the textural waves that traverse the essence of Phlegethon.
Phlegethon, known as the river of fire, takes on various interpretations, with Plato describing it as a stream of fire encircling the earth and descending into the depths of Tartarus. 
Dante, in his epic Inferno, envisioned Phlegethon as a river of blood, its relentless boil a punishment for souls who committed severe crimes in their earthly existence. Each soul, assigned a specific level within the boiling river of fire, faces retribution commensurate with the gravity of their transgressions. 
In the haunting realm of Phlegethon, the river's fiery currents intertwine with the unfolding narrative of Invisibilium, crafting an evocative experience that transcends the boundaries of sound and vision.