
Welcome to the Mind Palace - archives of artist Egle Saka.
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Error. Broadcast was an AV installation for my final Graphics BA degree show in the Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania.

The Installaction was a multifaceted creation, consisting of two distinct components. The first part featured an audiovisual projection onto digital prints, while the second part comprised a CRT TV installation with a live webcam. This project served as the culmination of two years of dedicated research into the realm of analog glitch as an art movement, as well as analog video synthesis. It sought to explore how these glitches resonate with us, bridging the gap between the nostalgia of analog culture and the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements, creating a thought-provoking dialogue between past and present.

Selection of 3 video stills for the final sequence ///

In this transformative artistic endeavor, a trio of evocative image projections emerged from a backdrop of experimental analog video synthesis, where modified glitch video mixers wove visual errors and distortions into a striking visual tapestry. These surreal visuals found their initial canvas on 3.5-meter tarpaulin sheets, serving as both a backdrop and the primary stage for video projection, offering a captivating union of the digital and the tangible.

The left projection offered an exploration of industrial constructs, positioning them as art forms conceived by human hands that now seamlessly inhabit our 'natural' landscape. As a noise soundtrack harmonized with experimental analog glitch visuals, these colossal metallic structures, brimming with their unique energy, took on an eerie, captivating allure. They emerged as artistic expressions of human ingenuity that had organically integrated into their surroundings.

The middle segment presented a dissonant dreamscape, a continuous time-space of error where repetitive patterns and discordant tones merged, beckoning viewers to delve into a meditative state of chaos. Through this immersive experience, the artist delved into the essence of continuous time-space within the realm of glitches, fusing auditory and visual elements to conjure a landscape of glitched atmospheres.

The final projection ventured into the intriguing ambiguity of glitch. It posed a challenging question: who, or what, shapes whom? The text, "You’re not even capable of thinking in abstractions," repeated by a robotic voice in the soundtrack, sparked contemplation. It suggested that the machine was questioning human consciousness and its ability to grasp abstract concepts, underscoring the contrasting capacities of human and machine thought processes. The piece provocatively explored the intricate relationship between humans and technology, leaving viewers pondering the intriguing dance of influence between the two.

Soundtrack compositions:

Each video played sequentially, accompanied by its distinct soundtrack. These soundtracks were skillfully crafted by Lithuanian sound artist and musician Lukas Petraitis. The composition below underwent a meticulous process of reimagining and editing, ultimately fusing all original sound pieces into a single, coherent track.

Additionally, the video presentation itself was thoughtfully restructured, consolidating into a unified video art piece. You can experience it below or access the full YouTube video via the provided link.


Glitch selfie: live video installation

Here, the web-cam was a live source going directly into an analog glitch video mixer and finally out to the vintage CRT TV. 
Besides having the intentional glitches triggering the tube TV, the analog medium itself offered an array of unintentional errors and textures. This particular Cathode Ray Tube could receive analog signals only through an aerial antenna input which allowed even more space for errors.

analog-human and human-analog:

Based on the viewers distance to the camera and intensity of motion, each photographed glitch portrait had unique features and was constantly changing while being triggered by the audience. This created a very brief but engaging moment of one-to-one experience for the viewer, as they were able to explore the unknown realm of analog reflection and discover another side of their self image, perhaps their shadow side.
In a reality of perfected replicas of the self, it was liberating to see another self, presented in a different shape and form, free from societal boundaries and preconceptions. All of a sudden, the analog medium felt very human. The installation then held a question of what it means to be analog..?  

glitch selfie installation with live web-cam, distorting the viewers portrait.