TEXTUROLOGY, initially born out of Archium Editions, is an ongoing project delving into patterns using granular texture synthesis. It's all about diving deep into detailed aesthetics like halftones, lines, gradients, and more—breaking down repetitive patterns into particles and artifacts.
From TEXTUROLOGY, TEXTURE HIVE is born—a virtual art space showcasing these creations as NFTs. Check them out at the Spatial.io gallery and explore these unique textures that reimagine visual compositions in a whole new light.
Selected TEXTUROLOGY pieces are also available as NFT ︎︎︎
OBJKTTEXTUROLOGY takes its digital textures into the physical world, piecing them together like a puzzle. Each square from the series becomes a patch, forming a quilt or screen printed tiles on a grand canvas. It's an abstract map of textures—up close, a mix of individual patterns; from afar, a captivating, chaotic yet unified artwork. It's the transformation of old textures into a mesmerizing new tapestry. [currently a print work in progress]